Update time!
So it's been a while since I did an update on here. This is probably one of the larger updates I've done. I tuned up some of the rules, updated them for Mage 20th, and backtracked on power nerfings. The biggest thing I did was reducing the levels needed for certain powers.
- Empower Blade is now a level 1 power
- Empower self is now a level 2
- Speed of the Stag is now level 3
- And Power Strike is now the level 4 power.
- Empower Self also lets you exceed trait max for certain periods of time at the cost of more exhaustion.
I also updated the character sheet to make it less torturous to use. All in all there's a lot of stuff I did in this update. The download always works too, so enjoy the fun.
Hey Outlander,
ReplyDeleteI just came accross this website with the info for your updated Immortal character. I have to say "Great job bro!"
Hey Outlander,
ReplyDeleteCouple questions for you regarding this 20th Anniversary update that you did... mainly focused at character creation.
You have a small age chart on page 11 with corresponding stat max that show differently than the age merit quickening max on page 12 for for each dot of the age merit at character creation... was that intentional or just printed wrong?
Would it not make more sense to just keep the age chart on page 11 and then perhaps make the make the age background's quickening equal to the age charts max stat so that at age 5 the max quickening for example is only 9 and likewise the max stat would be 9 as well... at least until the immortal gets over 4000 years old on the age chart... perhaps make a 6th dot of the age background specifically to cover immortals over 4000 years old with 6 permanent quickening and then max the quickening at 10 at character creation.
Also consider making the freebie point boosts a little more variable perhaps for each age background dot... maybe 1 freebie point every so many years for the initial few age dot backgrounds and then perhaps one freebie dot per decade for the last few age dots.
Anyway just a thought.
Hey again Outlander,
ReplyDeleteYet another question if you don't mind... It's about the initial Quickening and the Quickening Powers.
So you start characters off with 1 dot, they can buy up to five dots total at character creation. But the question is do they get all of the powers also? or do each of the powers also have to be purchased separately with freebie points.
Basically does the base immortal who starts with just one dot in quickening (meaning he didn't spend anymore freebie points) begin the game knowing all three quickening powers of sense quickening, breath in water, and empower weapon?
Or does he have to pay additional freebie points for each power separately or buy them with experience as per your experience chart on page 32 which says Quickening Powers cost Current Rating x 5. There is no defined sentence in your PDF that I can find that states this, nor is there any initial freebie point cost for the level 1 thru 5 quickening powers other then raising the base quickening stat itself which you set to 7 freebie points each.
I hope that description helps what I am asking...
I updated the Age background to more correctly reflect the rules.
DeleteAlso there was terminology to define the rules, but I went through and added even more terminology for it. You get everything from 1 to 5 for free.