Sunday, August 24, 2014

Download Page

Here's the Download Page

Feel free to download below! I'll try to get more than one mirror up, but this works for now. I'll talk with Mr. Gone to put up a mirror when I'm finished. I'll try to make a sheet for each splat line that comes out that needs one but it will take some time.

Splat rulebook - Link

Interactive Character Sheet V20 - Link
Interactive Dark Ages Sheet Neonate variant - Link
Interactive Dark Ages Sheet Elder variant - Link

I'd like to thank Mr. Gone for his assistance in the sheet creation. He's a great and wonderful guy.


  1. The links to the Interactive character sheets aren't working.

    1. Weird glitch on Microsoft's end again. Happens with them frequently. Anyway, I fix the V20 sheet link, have to fix the others later though those sheets are kinda sloppily done so I wouldn't use them.

  2. Hey there... I was wondering if your links for these Immortal the Gathering 20th were working. I'm also showing the links as broken.

    1. Microsoft likes to break things, so I've put in links from Mega and Mediafire for the current edition. Link still shows as working for me, so I just put the raw link in also. One of those should work in theory. If the character sheets don't work, they're in the back of the book and you can yank them out with Acrobat or some other pdf reader.

  3. Could you put this on Google Drive? That way I can just get a read-only share link for my Drive and any time you update this I'll get the updates automagically.

    1. Well I manually update the pdf, so it might or might auto-update. That said, I haven't updated it in almost two years (hoping to change that soon).

      Either way, I have updated the links.

  4. Hello Outlander! thanks a lot for this fabulous work !
    could you provide the fonts used in the character sheet ?

    1. All the fonts are from Mr. Gone's font list. You can figure out which is which through the PDF itself, they should actually be embedded, so you could just rip them from it.

    2. excellent ! thanks a lot.
